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 1. Charlie Cheney  Charlie Cheney - Oh John  Home Studio Stuff 
 2. Robert Coover  Passage about Charlie Chapman from Charlie and the House of Rue  Interview with Robert Coover at the Kelly Writers House, February 24, 2009 
 3. Robert Coover  Passage about Charlie Chapman from Charlie and the House of Rue  Interview with Robert Coover at the Kelly Writers House, February 24, 2009 
 4. Mark Governor  Cheney's Got A Gun  Cheney's Got A Gun 
 5. WNPR  SA cheney protest 522.wav  WNPR Newsroom 
 6. Rich Zubaty and Dan Burgevin  Impeach Cheney Now  www.therudeguy.com 
 7. Administrator  wtv32-cheney-so-w  Administrator's Album 
 8. Billy Baptism  The Beginning of the End For Cheney  Best of the Left Podcast 
 9. Freeman Z  02-Dick Cheney-Eric Zinman  Ian MacKinnon 
 10. Anomie Train  Dick Cheney Greets the World   
 11. Anomie Train  Dick Cheney Greets the World   
 12. BSS #75  George Ilsley & Matt Cheney   
 13. Fred Goldstein, a WWP leader & WW contributing editor  Bush, Cheney & the politics of imperialism in crisis   
 14. Hosted By Lee The Cool Guy!  Issues Under Fire: Cheney Covering His Ass & Pelosi Too,   
 15. Conceptual Guerilla  CG Radio 10-25-07: Cheney Aauthorizes Turkish Invasion   
 16. Conceptual Guerilla  Defeat The Right In Three 10-25-07: Cheney Authorizes Turkish Invasion   
 17. Pasadena Star Staff Writer  Joe Conason: The crushing legacy of Bush and Cheney  Pasadena Star-News 
 18. Robin Williams  Blair, Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, A Dead Man And Lassie  Live 2002 
 19. Tom Bacon  Cheney Army veteran races long-distances   
 20. Conceptual Guerilla  Limbaugh And Liz Cheney Give A Lesson In The Slam Dunk   
 21. Charles Cadenhead (Voicemail 206-666-4698)  Mostly News Podcast 80: Cheney, SoCal Fires Update and Baggy Pants  Mostly News 
 22. Gard Goldsmith  Liberty Conspiracy - 5-26-09 Obama, Cheney, and Bush on 'Detainees', A Music Tax?, Renters' Bill of 'Rights'?  libertyconspiracy's Podcast 
 23. Jack Clark  148-Privatization Kills: Troops Electrocuted In Iraq, Cheney's Former Company To Blame / Debunking Right-Wing Lies About U.S. Corporate Tax Rates  Blast The Right 
 24. Jack Clark  148-Privatization Kills: Troops Electrocuted In Iraq, Cheney's Former Company To Blame / Debunking Right-Wing Lies About U.S. Corporate Tax Rates  Blast The Right 
 25. Jack Clark  60-All-Time High "Extreme Poverty" Rate / WMD Or No WMD, Cheney Wanted War / Listener Email: His Canadian Mine Worker Protection Puts U.S. To Shame  Blast the Right 
 26. Yaro Starak  Interview With Michael Cheney From Adsense-Videos.com on Product Launch - Entrepreneur's Journey Podcast - www.entrepreneurs-journey.com  Entrepreneurs-Journey.com 
 27. Manchester Special Editio  Down to the Dancehall - big band swing. John Manchester. John Van Eps. Grand Gouffre-ASCAP.  Sounddogs.com 
 28. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & Captain Anomoanon  John The Baptist [ two songs on the same theme segued together, the first by E.C. Ball, the second by John Martyn ]  Joe's Pub - 8.6.06 - 6:30pm 
 29. Hugh Hewitt  John Hinderaker, John Kline, David Allen White  Hugh Hewitt 
 30. Dr. James R. Young III  Calling Good Evil - Isaiah 5:20; John 14:6; John 9:13-25  Grace Evangelical Church 
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